A Texas-Sized Event
ZestFest is the hottest Food Expo heating up the Southwest in 2024!
Fiery food lovers are invited to sample bold and flavorful products showcased from around the country. Learn from live master chef demonstrations and enjoy musical entertainment.
This year’s 3-day event will bring approximately 10,000+ visitors from around the country, including celebrities, regional and national media, consumers, and renowned chefs.
Get on board at the official start of BBQ season at ZestFest 2024!
Show hours are:
Friday May 24_________________________________1:00pm – 6:00pm
Saturday May 25 _____________________________ 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday May 26 ______________________________ 10:00am –5:00pm

Fiery Food Challenge
The Fiery Food Challenge kicks off ZestFest 2024. It is the longest running and most prestigious competition of zesty products in the industry.
Produced by Spicy Food Productions and presided over by independent VIP judges, the Fiery Food Challenge runs Monday
through Wednesday, with an Awards Dinner on Friday night.
Winners of the Fiery Food Challenge receive the coveted 2024 Golden Chile Award, plus additional benefits. Recipients are also eligible to market their winning products for the 2024 calendar year.
Sponsorship Opportunities Media Outreach
ZestFest 2022 provides a unique marketing opportunity to increase brand recognition to 10,000+ consumers, trade buyers, culinary professionals, and companies throughout the Southwest region.
ZestFest sponsorships have included strategic media partnerships with Wing Stop, Dos Equis, NBC, and Spectrum Cable, as well as local media and targeted trade and consumer email blasts.
ZestFest 2024 Media Outreach will include some of the following placements, culminating in a $150,000 media buy
Billboards in prime locations
- Print Media: Dallas Observer, Fort Worth Weekly
- Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Lead page & digits contests
Local and Cable Television
- NBC Media Sponsor
- Spectrum Cable
- Email blasts to our 20,000+ database
- Local Hispanic Stations
- Name Title Sponsor of ZestFest (XYZ Corp of ZestFest 2024)
- Highly visible 10' x 20' booth space at ZestFest ($1,595 value)
- Two-page spread in the show program
- Logo listed as Title Sponsor on all purchased advertising
- Two rooms at the designated ZestFest hotel for 2 nights with complimentary breakfast at the hotel
- Logo on all show related display banners
- Special thanks and announcements throughout ZestFest at stages and information booths recognizing you as a Title Sponsor along with directions to your booth
- Highly visible logo at all ZestFest promotional events leading up to and during the show
- "Title Sponsor/Preferred Vendor” 6-foot banner for your booth
- 150 tickets for your clients and guests • Access to the trade buyer list for ZestFest
- Logo on all purchased media
- Logo on all promotional emails
- Tags on all purchased electronic media
- Logo presence on all direct mail pieces
- Logo listed on homepage of www.ZestFest.net
- Logo on all ZestFest promotional and directional banners at show entrance and on show floor
Carolina Reaper - $15,000
Presenting Live Stage Sponsor
- Highly visible 10' x 20' booth space at ZestFest ($1,595 value)
- One full-page advertisement in the ZestFest program
- Logo listed in select newspaper and billboard purchased advertising for ZestFest
- Ten PA announcements of your sponsorship/booth number during ZestFest
- 75 Tickets To ZestFest for your clients and guests
- Tags on all purchased radio
- Logo presence on all promotional emails for ZestFest
- Logo listed on homepage of www.ZestFest.net
- Logo on all ZestFest promotional and directional banners at show entrance and on show floor

Fiery Habanero - $10,000
Presenting Live Beverage Sponsor
- Pouring rights for your product during the event.
- Highly visible 10' x 20' booth space at ZestFest ($1,595 value)
- One full-page advertisement in the ZestFest program
- Logo listed or mentioned in select newspaper, billboard and Radio Spots purchased advertising for ZestFest
- 75 Tickets To ZestFest for your clients and guests
- Ten PA announcements of your sponsorship/booth number during show
- Tags on all purchased radio
- Logo presence on all promotional emails for ZestFest
- Logo listed on homepage of www.ZestFest.net
- Logo on all ZestFest promotional and directional banners at show entrance and on show
Fiery Food Challenge Awards
Title Sponsor $10,000
The Fiery Food Awards Ceremony is the culmination of three days of blind tastings of zesty products in over 85 categories. Winners are presented with their 2024 Golden Chile trophies and ribbons along with their peers which include Fiery Food and ZestFest participants, Fiery Food judges, and event sponsors.
The awards ceremony will be held Friday Night, May 24, 2024 and the gala will be served at the show venue. Guests will have the opportunity to mingle, enjoy music entertainment, good food, and drinks.

Searing Serrano – $5,000
Host Sponsor of ZestFest
- Highly visible 10' x 10' booth space at ZestFest ($895 value)
- One half-page advertisement in the ZestFest show program
- Logo listed in select newspaper and billboard purchased advertising for ZestFest
- Seven PA announcements of your sponsorship and booth number during ZestFest
- 25 Tickets To ZestFest for your clients and guests
- Logo presence on all promotional emails for ZestFest
- Tags on all purchased radio
- Logo listed on homepage of www.ZestFest.net
- Logo on all ZestFest promotional and directional banners at show entrance and on show floor
Hoppin’ Jalapeno - $2,500
Co-Host Sponsor at ZestFest
- Highly visible 10' x 10' booth space at ZestFest ($895 value)
- One half-page advertisement in the ZestFest show program
- Logo listed in select newspaper purchased advertising for ZestFest
- Five PA announcements of your sponsorship and booth number during ZestFest
- 20 Tickets To ZestFest for your clients and guests
- Logo presence on all promotional emails for ZestFest
- Logo listed on homepage of www.ZestFest.net
- Logo on all ZestFest promotional and directional banners at show‘s entrance and on event show floor

Cherry Bomb - $1450
Contest Supporter at ZestFest
- A single 10 x 10 Booth at ZestFest ($895 value)
- Logo presence on all promotional emails for ZestFest
- One 1/2 page ad in the Show Program
- Logo listed on homepage of www.ZestFest.net
- Logo on all ZestFest promotional and directional banners at show entrance and on show floor